Thursday 28 July 2016

~BLOG bermuka baru...NewFace ~

~BLOG bermuka baru...NewFace ~

Hai!!! Masya Allah...lame btol blog ni bersawang...hihi...nampak x wajah baru encik blog???yeayyyy...kite dah tukar2 sket gambo...gambo dah 4, 5, 6 years back...bile tgk cam...erk...hahaha
Okey2...Few Gud news previously dah cite dah...and maybe bad news x cite kot lagi...sebelum kite meneruskan dengan cite raya sedondon...kite flashback dulu cite2 yang berlaku sebelum ni....

Its a bad story....
12/4/2016-Merupakan bday my 3rd brother...ami...
That morning hujan renyai masa nak g keje...then after salam husbnd...trus je la g koje dengan emir....then Husband call lbh kurang 7.20am...die tanya why i left emirs book on the lupe gak buku ape ...tapi ingat lagi cikgu die kate buku tu untuk exercise je kat tinggal pon xpe...then ok la kan...

7.40am...again phone ringing and i answer as usual...
but...not him...but org lain yang call..."excident ni...nant pg hospital" 
i was like................................................................................................................................................
terus u-turn and direct to hospital...
I call my elder brother yang kebetulan baru nak sampi hosp (die keje spital) ...then call my BIL and tell him about the matter...
Then rase cam bawak kete without feel...i just pray 'he' will be fine...

I call again my brother..."ajan...cane zaki??" "jap...tgh cari...Ya Allah!!" trus end up call...ko rase???aku panic x???adoiii..
makin la pedal ditekan dgn sepenuh hati...
sampai2 je trus masuk emergency...(macam hospital aku je gayanya kan)

Zaki now di bilik xray...trus lari ke bilik xray....tgk muka die berdarah2...terus airmata ni cam hujan x berhenti2....mmg aku tak kuat sbnnye...mmg lemah lutut...mmg smua jd longlai...tapi alhamdulillah...die masih knal aku...boleh tgk bini die nangis comot2...boleh genggam tgn ni dah cukup bersyukur...

Ni masa lepas dijahit....kepala..
mmg la memula tak kuat...but i have to be kilang smua...and i feel better to look him getting better to...
I take a week leave to take care of matter how hard...i will be with him...forever after...
The next day...4am...
I promise you be with u forever....

sy pecaya...ada hikmah besar disebalik semua ni....


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