Friday 23 December 2011

Emir MiLesTone....

Emir MilesTone...

Emir Ukasyah already 10month's Old this coming 25th December 2011. His progress now???hmm quite active to learn how to to to to tidy up the kitchen (hardworking like mama), love to be a to play with the basket...

Let me show Emir progress and milestones start from he deliver...

Hi Mama, ayah & world..
I'm Just Deliver
Name: Still in progress
Venue : HSA
Weight : 2.8kg (hmm skinny)

I am home =)
Just arriving home
Age : 1 day
Venue: Home sweet Home
Time : 4.30pm

I'm in my car seat
Going to clinic for check-up with mama
Age: 1 Month
Venue: In savvy
Progress : Smile
Time : 7.30am

Iam too sleepy mama
Dont disturb me okeh
Age : 2 Month
Venue: In Alza
Progress: Golek2
Time: 2.30pm going to Jusco in happy mood
Age: 3 Month
Venue: Bukit Tinggi (vacation)
Progress : Laugh
Time: 8.30am
I can hold my own bottle OK
Age : 4 Month
Venue: Home sweet Home
Progress: Hold bottle by his ownself
time: 8.00pm
see??this is my sport car okey..hehe
Age: 5 Month
Venue: Airport (send ami to France)
Progress: start crawl
Time: 3.30pm
Hahaha...ayah...I'm smile ..
can take my picture now
Age: 6month
Venue: home sweet home
Progress: sitting
Time 9.00pm
Why take my photo??
I still eat my finger...
dont try to stop me ok
Age: 7 Month
Venue: Home sweet Home
Progress: Finger smoke
I am watch my 'ayah' playing bowling...
Mode : Boring.huhu
Age : 8 Month
Venue: Bowling Taman Pelangi
Progress: raise my hand and bye2
Time: 10.30pm
Please...I start my work now okeh...
Dont disturb
Age : 9 Month
Venue: Mak Tok's House
Progress: Play football
Time: 5.00pm
This is my ball
Ayah bought it for me...Happy
Age : 10 Month
Venue: Home sweet home
Progress: One step walk
Time: 7.00am

OK...thats all the time cite lagi...
Mama Tired already...hehehe
Love U sonny

Thursday 22 December 2011

Notty mama...Notty Emir....& Ayah yang penyabar

Notty mama...Notty Emir....& Ayah yang penyabar

Hmm kalo tgk entry tu dah dapat agak dah sape la paling notty in d family...Of Course mama...Bukan saje notty....degil and suke argue suami (teruk kan???)...
saya selalu berusaha untuk menjadi isteri yang baik dan solehah...mengikut kate suami...senang kate tak melawan suami la...tapi bila ade sikit perkara yang tak menyenangkan hati...start la syaitan mula menambahkan amarah...
(Incik Syaitan: sila jangan ganggu keharmonian saya and kuarga saya)
Wanita solehah ialah mereka yang pandai menghibur dan melayan suami dengan mempersembahkan segala kemesraan, kemanjaan dan cinta sepenuh hati sehingga suami sentiasa rindukan dirinya malah tidak mahu berpisah walaupun sekejap.
Bukan perkara yang susah mahu menjadi wanita solehah. Hanya dengan senyuman yang manis dan menambat hati suami, mereka boleh menduduki carta itu.
Ada yang berkata senyuman isteri yang dilakukan dengan ikhlas semata-mata untuk suami lebih baik daripada menggunakan produk alat solek jenama mahal yang berharga ratusan ringgit.
Pandangan yang mesra dan lembut ibarat celak yang paling indah menghiasai sepasang matanya. Kelembutan dan kehalusannya berbicara seperti pakaian yang paling cantik dipakainya.
Suami mana akan memandang ke belakang apabila isterinya sentiasa harum dan bersih. Malah, aroma itu pasti memikat selera suami untuk sentiasa berada di samping isteri daripada berborak bersama rakan di kedai kopi.
Berapa ramai isteri yang memberikan senyuman manis, pandangan yang mesra dan lembut serta wajah yang berseri-seri ketika mengiringi suami keluar rumah atau menyambut kepulangannya di muka pintu.
Rasululullah s.a.w pernah bersabda bahawa isteri solehah ialah yang menggembirakan suaminya apabila suami melihat kepadanya.
Bayangkan suami yang pulang dalam keadaan letih kerana beban tugas di pejabat ditambah kesesakan jalan raya, isteri yang menyambut di muka pintu menguntum senyuman, wajah yang dihiasi cantik, menolong membawa beg, membuka sarung kaki dan menyediakan minuman untuk menghilangkan dahaga.

I try to my dear hubby....I know u try to make sure ill happy all the time..I hope too...Please guide me...I need you...

Emir Notty??? hehe..mmg notty dotty itu budak...somel dan somot...
dah mula nak melangkah setapak dua...Pastu skarang kalo majuk dah pandai nangis and menghempas badan (notty tau)
Suke kalo dapat mama dukung...tapi mama (adeh sayang...mau pitam mama kalo dukung setengah jam)
Dua gg sudah mula muncul...and die suke buat muka cumel then...
hahahaha...Love U dear

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Hilangnya Seorang Teman....

I lost One Of my Gud Frenz

He is one of our good frenz...He is my good fighter...He also one of my relatives...He was gone...To the creator...

19 December 2011- (12.30am) My phone ringging...but Im just ignoring it due to my hubby job to pick  up the phone if anybody called us on night season.... My sister in law called just to inform about the sad news..He was gone...
My hubby awake me and telling me about it..I'm just say OK...My hubby  can't sleep all the nights..I know he must be so sad for the news...(sorry dear...i have no strength to comforting you) I feel the same way...
We take a leave...and immedietly going to his house...The'body' was arrived at about 730am...I can't see his wife and daugther...I am too sad to see them...Lizee (his wife) was so weak to facing all this...His daughter crying all the day...I can't stop my tears hubby say 'don't cry and be strong in front his wife..she must be trillion sad more than me'
We hope you will be fine there Allahyarham Nazmi Rajiman...We'll be ur frenz and relatives forever...

He was a JPJ staff...He accident in front Of his Office...His head was crack and got a hematoma on his head
(A hematoma, or haematoma, is a localized collection of blood outside the blood vessels,[1] usually in liquid form within the tissue. This distinguishes it from an ecchymosis, which is the spread of blood under the skin in a thin layer, commonly called a bruise. Internal bleeding is generally considered to be a spreading of blood within the abdomen or skull, not within muscle.)
The doctor try to take off the hematoma...But then new problems comes out...The brain pressure was too high due to high water level inside it. Then 2nd operation is done to stabilize his brain pressure...
On Sunday (18 December 2011).. He's getting better..He can even hear what people surrounding talk about...he cry...His wife wife his tears...He looked stable...But how we know how much OUR CREATOR loves him...
He gone...forever...

For Qaseh : Be a good gurl like ur father ok...auntie and uncle will be supporting u...
For Lizee : Be strong gurl...I know how you feel...Be strong...

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Makan2 sempena Aniversary Punye Story Mory

Anniversary Punye Makan2

Sempena anniversary kami yang ke 2, Kami celebrate kat umah je...memandangkan our anniversary is on 12/12/2011 (Monday) tepaksalah kami celebrate dirumah sahaja....A day before sbnnye kitorang dah g makan kat Kemnagi(makan biasa al ikan2 lauk pauk gitu) mase tengah nak makan simanjaku EMIR berri...So mama pegi la washroom and wash yang sepatutnya...Then sedang mama membasuh2..EMir amik air segayung and freely siram mama punya kaki...habis basah ng seluar sume...sabo je dak tecik ni

Oh continue story...sbnnye saya pun fenin nak masak ape...few friends dah tanya semua I xmo. Pelbagai sangat la idea u all ni (especially ko le sidot) ade plak nak soh masak western bagai...Kang Jadi southern semua lak nant...(Sincerely..Im not expert in western food cooking) Nampak kan kewanitaan Melayu Terakhirnya saya???heheh
Then Im decide to search about  'Nasi Tomato+Ayam Masak Merah+ Dalca Daging' at the tenet...Good combination maybe...Wow...simple..Wanna try...
After work I'm straight away go to SDS Bakery for buying a cake...In my plan I want to buy a cup cake...But its quite last minutes to find change to 1 mini cake and 2 little mini love cake...cute ma...

Cute right?? 2 love means 2 years...
Then...Im going home and start cook the Nasi Tomato and Ayam masak Merah (Actually ayam masak Sambal) because my hubby love to eat spicy food, Dalca  Daging And Tumis Udang (sangat x sesuai...but i like) ...Im start cook at about 630pm and it completely finished at about 800pm.
I am waiting for my husband ...and 830pm He arriving home...mereka berdua memotong kek...why???hehe Whateverlah...janji hepi

Then We have a dinner...Again..EMir Berri...and mama have to leave the dinner for wash Emir...naughty la sayang ni...
Even just a simple celebration ...But Im happy because I have this opportunity to cook speacial dishes for you on our Big Day Dear... I love U so much =) Next time ill do better...PROMISE...

Emir ...10th month OnGoing =)

My Son after 9 Month Deliver

Sorry the Pic is little bit Blur
Ayah snap this Pic okeh
See??? This is my great sonny duddy diddy...Emir Ukasyah..a.k.a mirkasyah (His cousin called him by this name)
He learn such a lot of things...He explore such a many things to know what is this...this..and this...and sometimes I can't control my mouth without saying (NO) to him...
He like to do lots of dangerous things...Play at the ladder and Put up one hand (and laugh) then Playing with glass plate, cup, spoon, knife (if can), Play with the electricity component such as wire, socket... (I know dear...u born as son of need to help us yet ok), Play at the kitchen...hehe.., Take Off the astro card (dengki la tu) and play at the bathroom (really dangerous to u me)
But...he was growing up well...He  just beginning to understand many simple words and phrases, so it's more important than ever to keep talking to him. He also pulling himself up from sitting to standing position.  He may even walk while holding onto furniture, possibly letting go momentarily and standing without support ...
Emir love to play with me...He will crawl towards me and try to persuade me to play with him...Hehe...Even I'm really tired...but I will spend my time for him...

Hehe...Everyday life was really enjoy...Thank You Allah For letting me marrying my lovely husband MOHD ZAKI B. MOHD SAYUTI & This cute sonny EMIR UKASYAH BIN MOHD ZAKI

Play with the ball while
 watching TV

I Have a ball...
* My sonny...thanks for giving me a chances to be your great mom...We will take care Of you forever...Trust me

Monday 12 December 2011

Our 2nd Bonding Anniversary.... =)

2nd Anniversary

12-12-2011 : Today is the day which remind me on what was happen last 2 years ago...
We are meant together..(My relatives always told us that)
We know each other for almost 16 years ago...hmm That's time we still in primary school (actually we stay in the same village and we always fighting each other)
The day we are meant together is the best moment in my life actually..sincerely...he is the best for me...But sometimes I won't understand him..not means I cant...but I sellfish I am...
But lately Im realize how important to be rasional to him...He sacrifice such a lot of things to ensure Im always happy...He never complain to me or even say any harsh words to show how tired is he to treat me...
He know how to console to advice to be my defender...He love me so much...Even not in words..but I feel it more...
After 2 years..our relation getting more matured...and more happy...
Emir was born after 1 year and 2 month we are bonding...He was born to be a great son that we ever had...He is smart...cute...and he is absolutely clone to his father (my sweetheart)...
My life is completely happy...Zaki & Emir always make me feel appreciated...seriously...I am praise to Allah for giving me this happiness...
* Dear Mohd Zaki Bin Mohd Sayuti...I love U forever...No words to describe how much I love you..Thanks for being such a good husband, loyal, lovely, responsible and great father that Emir and I ever had...We really happy to be yours...I will be yours forever and always be..Sincerely...Emir and you always shine up my day..I love U both so much.

Kursus Pendek 'Industrial Attachment'

 'Industrial Attachment'

I'm attending the short training at Shimano Malaysia Pekan Nenas in order to fullfill the requirement of KPI for ADTEC...
My first day was last Monday...They attached me at PE Department as known as Prosess Engineering Department. My superior is Mr. Mohd Hafiz..My job scope??oh no...I'm just siiting and doing nothing...It was so bored to facing all this...
At the 2nd day, I'm attached to the production line....Hydraulic Disc Brake...The caliper and hose was filled in a minarel oil (shell oil). The performance should be better than mechanical brake. This process is quite difficult but engineering site was done such a lot improvement to ensure the process simplified...
See???This is Mida...sengal
Ok..Forget about work...hmm..Here I got new friend ..Her name is Hamidah...I called her Mida...She is a clerk in the PE Dept..She also known as document controller (we can also called her as queen control) hahaha...She so cute..kind and sometimes 'gile2' like me...hahaha...
I will atteched her pic soon okeh...
No more interesting story to share with...I feel so-so here..


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