Monday, 12 December 2011

Our 2nd Bonding Anniversary.... =)

2nd Anniversary

12-12-2011 : Today is the day which remind me on what was happen last 2 years ago...
We are meant together..(My relatives always told us that)
We know each other for almost 16 years ago...hmm That's time we still in primary school (actually we stay in the same village and we always fighting each other)
The day we are meant together is the best moment in my life actually..sincerely...he is the best for me...But sometimes I won't understand him..not means I cant...but I sellfish I am...
But lately Im realize how important to be rasional to him...He sacrifice such a lot of things to ensure Im always happy...He never complain to me or even say any harsh words to show how tired is he to treat me...
He know how to console to advice to be my defender...He love me so much...Even not in words..but I feel it more...
After 2 years..our relation getting more matured...and more happy...
Emir was born after 1 year and 2 month we are bonding...He was born to be a great son that we ever had...He is smart...cute...and he is absolutely clone to his father (my sweetheart)...
My life is completely happy...Zaki & Emir always make me feel appreciated...seriously...I am praise to Allah for giving me this happiness...
* Dear Mohd Zaki Bin Mohd Sayuti...I love U forever...No words to describe how much I love you..Thanks for being such a good husband, loyal, lovely, responsible and great father that Emir and I ever had...We really happy to be yours...I will be yours forever and always be..Sincerely...Emir and you always shine up my day..I love U both so much.


  1. beb,,,type btul2 bole x..alignment ko silap ni, aku bce..Sayuti...i love U forever..hehe..

    btw, Happy Anniversary my fren, smga bhgia hingaa ke Akhirat emir too!!! ;)

  2. Happy Anniversary Pakcik & Makcik! Terharu baca. hehehe

  3. even too late wishing both u...hpi anniversary ayu n zaki!!! not forget, emir tooo....

  4. Thank U dear...wish us happily ever after



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