Thursday 29 March 2012

Sukan Bersukan...pensukan!!!

Bersukan-sukan sukan

Saya adalah seorang yang suka bersukan!!!yeay...finally dapat gak bersukan setelah beberapa tahun memendam perasaan sukanku itu....
Last main sukan mase kat MTE dolu (selain futsal)...tu pon sbb ade pertandingan badminton...First place okesss (shhh...don't tell anyone) tu lawan cik polis...oh ganas betul beliau...sakit tgn i tau...but u have to accept...saya menang!!! 
hmm sbnnye saya taklah kuat mane...kejap je pancit pon...main futsal pun muntah hijau...wakaka...tapi dek semangat yang kuat tu menyebabkan saya begitu komited keatas sukan ini...
Last time mase matrikulasi...main netball...kat matrik penang...that time kulit muka menggelupas...then saya low blood...almost a week gak warded...then doc soh stopkan sukan kejap...masuk U masuk gak sukan sonyap2...(mak x tau...kalo tau habisla) Then training jek demam teruk...pastu stop...
Bile kije I try to adapt dengan keadaan penat...finally saya boleh bersukan...
Now...I am netball player for ADTEC batu pahat....hepi gile sebabnye saya dapat bersukan kembali...dan setelah kelahiran bodak somel,saya semakin kuat dan bertenaga untuk bersukan...Horayyyyyyyy
doakan saya berjaya menjadi juara..OK..

Monday 26 March 2012

My little Bunch..bunch...

My little Bunch..bunch...

My little bunch2 was already one year's old ++...he's known as toddler not baby anymore...wah...Many children take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12 months and are walking well by the time they're 14 or 15 months old. But my little bunch..bunch take his first step on early  11th month... I am the one who is really excited when he take his first step..
He also can babble in any sound like short right, he also understand and respond to me well...I am always ask him to take my scarf or remote control and give back to me...He can respond and take the stuff and give it to me...
What a wonderfull experience is..hehe...I am happy to be your mom cayang...hehehe..mmmuah
See this photo kay...

Tido yang besh

Lari dari ayah....hehehe

Penerbangan ke bulan

shopping time!!!

Bye2...sambil mengipas2 tangannya


Friday 9 March 2012

Student...student & student

Student...student & student

Hmm lama gak tak update entry kan???hehehe...sorry...quite busy on doing some sub compulsary job...contohnye..CLO/PLO/SOKLAN FINAL then busy ng ISO...oh kebnayakkannya ada OOO dibelakang...oh sangat pening...
Anyway...even hari2 yang dilalui sangat la busy dengan kije2 sub -JOB but still masuk kelas and mengajar as usual..(oh i love teaching so much ok)...
As a student... mmg la sangat tak suke rules...dan sangat suke melanggar rules...
same goes too my student...harusla suke yang amat datang lambat and lari during my u know me...I'm just use my power of phsycological to handle them well...hahaha...
masuk kelas lambat ye??? oh saya tidak kisah ...xpe pun...lambat la lagi...i like...I lock the door...then after half an hour ade lak org knock2 the door...Then komunikasi pun berlaku
me             :'yes???can i help u?'
Student1    :  'puan...boleh sy masuk?'
me             : awak kelas mane ye??nak jumpe sape?
student2     : saya kelas ni la puan...
me             : Yeke???eh xla kot...kelas sy start kul 10...skrg dh 1035...
student3     : maaf puan terlambat
me             : eh lambat ke???xla kot...saya tercepat kot 
student4     : xla puan, kami yang lambat
me             : oh yeke...hmmm kalo kerja datang lambat kene buang kerja....kalo kelas camne?
student5     : x lmbt sangat pun puan
me             : oh betul tu...xlambat sangat...
student3     : bagila kami masuk puan
me             : hmm camne x bolehlah...saya terima student yang datang awal...kalo keje kene 
                   warning letter kalo lambat kalo kelas datang lambat potong markah kuiz yang lepas pun ok  
                   kan???potong 10markah..setuju x??? kalo 60 markah tolak 10 ada lagi 50...masih lulus paras 
Student2   : xnak la puan...lainla...
me            :ok2...hiburkan hati saya boleh???
student4    : Macamamne????

hehehe...camni le....jom tgk video ni...bolehlah terhibur dgn karenah korang ni =)

P/S* : Emir, jangan notty cam bebudak ni tau..sayang emir...ayah juga..


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