Friday, 26 January 2018

Its a new chapter

Its a new chapter

Hi guys...lama hakak menyepi....hahaha...banyak sgt bnda nk settle...facing a lot lot lot of difficulties...facing new experience...hahahaha...and paling best...banyak achievement yang dah berjaya dipenuhi....Ade few achievement yang iolls dah capai...

First of course I am preggy!!!!Alhamdulillah ...4 month to go...hihihi...(4 month to go baru nak update ke aidayu???hahaha) and last week dah scan...and the result is boyyyyy...but its okay...janji sihat...sempurna...mama dah feel so happy. Mama waiting for u dah 7 years tau si comel...(walaupun mama punye feel berat menyatakan its gurl...sebab sgt different ng abg emir....but then doctor cakap confirm boy...mama still happy to have 2 boys as my bodyguard left and right...and ayah will be at the back...hahaha)..

Second....oh my god....its like a dream...which is i knew I can do it...hihi...i've finished my master degree in engineering!!!!Alhamdulillah..Thank you Allah for this opportunity...peluang belajar dengan scholar and finished on time...InsyaAllah I will register for PHD slepas deliver my somey in womb ni and my KPI is before 40 mama akan berusaha dapatkan tittle Dr. Aidayu Delaila my late father wish....go go go

Thirdly....Alhamdulillah pas habis je final exam on 13/1/2018, mengikut klausa JPA kene lapor diri pas sehari habis exam...unfortunately exam habis lapor diri is isnin 15/1/2018. So ahad pas emir balik school sk bandar (ohhh blm cite pasal emir g school...ok nant kite buat entry throwback okay) kami trus bergegas gerak ke KL...Im really hope xstay untuk tunggu penempatan...doa banyak sangat ...risau...Esoknye awal pagi gerak ke JPA...alhamdulillah...walaupun agak crancky nak dapat penempatan...jap bangunan C1 jap C2....ade juga aku bersalin kat jalan bangunan C1 and C2 ni...kejap tingkat 7, jap 10, jap pening mak...hahaha nasib 2 heroes teman....and paling berbaloi adalah....Allah perkenankan doa...dapat penempatan as I wish...which is JPK selatan....Alhamdulillah...

Then before we going back home...another supprise cars (IRIZ) juga dapat di release dr proton edar shah alam...and we bring it home on that day....Alhamdulillah...Masya Allah...nikmat apakah yang boleh didustakan...Allah gives me a lots...Thank You Allah....




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