Ada apa dengan 2013 ???
Hai korang...hmm lately mmg busy...tak sempat pun nak mencelah ke belog...
Sibuk dengan student, class, Emir bersakitan mata and FIL yang sakit...
Yes...I'm quite fatigue...more than tired...Tapi rasa lega bila tgk mr.hubby nampak ceria, ank manja si emir tu semakin sihat tak melepek saje, student2 bersemangat nak belajar and semua kerja bertimbun semakin berkurangan sebab dah mula mengorganize diri ditahun baru...
Mungkin ini salah satu dari azam tahun 2013 yang masih belum lagi terpikir2 dek kerana kerja yang banyak dan masa yang sangat terhad...
Apa yang penting sbnnye adalah keredhaan dalam bekerja...Jalankan tugasan harian kerana ALLAH...
Tipu la kalo takde blues monday...maniac wednesday and heaven saturday kan???
hehhe...Tapi since student dah masuk sem baru ni...rase tak la sunyi sangat...
Kadang lawak gak bebudak ni....ada masa Masya Allah sangat menggeramkan...
Takblehlah nak marah budak dah besar....
Psyco jek dak2 ni...Insya Allah...kita akan dihormati...bukan ditakuti...
Ape lak serius benar ni???hadoi la...
hmm lupe nak cite...
In a year 2013...My FIL telah mengalami sakit yang agak teruk...beliau telah dipindahkan dari Hospital Pontian ke Hospital Johor akibat jantung tak stable...glucose yang tinggi, Blood pressure juga tinggi dan peparu dimasuki air...and I know my Hubby was really worry about him...And as a wife I try to console and tenangkan hubby...juga bantu yang mana mampu...
Since this is first time I ever felt like have my own its better I take this opportunity untuk menunaikan tanggungjawab sebagai anak yang mana tak pernah saya tunaikan kepada ayah saya sendiri...
Kalau abah ada lagi..I'll do everything to u...same goes to mum...
So hopefully adalah rezki me, hubby and emir bertemu di Jannah nant...(berangan kan??)
I am so dissappointed dengan kakitangan HSA especially Doctor...
The Doctor was so arrogant...(sbbnye takleh nak judge camtu..) Faham kot mmg la doctor busy on doing such many things and rushing2...
But then please nice and try to build up the human sense...
Kadang2 doctor taknak LAYAN patient or waris patient even waris mmg sepatutnya tau condition patient...
As simple example...Last time I was met one of neuro specialist doctor which is responsible to my FIL.
I was waiting for her almost 4 hours and suddenly she cames...she just ignore me and keep silent when I was asking about my FIL condition.
Then I still catch her even she is busy in treating others patient..
After I give some data and evidence regarding the disease...she suddenly stop writing and give me an explanation about my FIL condition...
Thats me...I try search google and learn some of the side effect and symptom about the disease...It just an effort that I assume will be help me to get to know about my FIL condition.
But about others patient????Are they should have some extra knowledge to know what they have to know???
Please...Doctors out there...
Sensitive sket pada orang lain...
Just to remind me and others....
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