Thursday, 6 March 2014

Completely Complete =)

Completely Complete =)

Hola2...ewah, rajin plak hupdate belog bagai...sedangkan ko x kemas tools hape pon nak pg MYSKILL...cis cis dan cis...kemalasan tahap dewa pujangga...

What is MySKill actually??? hokey2...myskill ni kengkonon ko dah hebat giler la dalam one skill (contohnye cam I ni masuk bidang elektronik)...hebat beb...(muntah 20kali) pastu bos kate "hokey Aidayu...U masuk myskill boleh???" Jawapan I opkos lah.."err boleh2...." okey...sila la jangan nak menipu diri sendiri boleh tak???kalo tak boleh sila jawab "tak boleh bos" ini bos tanya ko jawab ape lagi

MYSKILL ni ada few stages untuk mencapai tahap champion...
First step exam teori...biasanya org dah tak lulus first stage...(itu harapanku).. pulak (alhamdulillah) tapi....tapi...tapi.....
banyak kan tapi ....sebab I am not well prepare for it and i need time to do some training...BUT...Nothing....kelas penuh okey...sempat pulak kan...
So...ape lagi...pegi bodo2 jek ni...beserah je pada Allah ni...Pasrah

eh...sebenanye bukan nak cite pasal MYSKILL yang malas ni...asal menaip je lupe daratan...lain nak cite lain yang dicite...hahahahah
Semalam one of my colleague ask me about something interesting...
Budak lagi budak ni...and will be get married soon...
mungkin die baru nak start life and nak predict what will going on then...

"Yu, aku nak tanya ko la...Apa ko nak dalam hidup???hmm adakah Ko rase hidup ko dah lengkap ???"

Well well well...I like his question...hahahaha...

Just like me...and I am...for me YES absolutely my life is completely a normal human la
For more u want u must spend more...I mean....secara umumnya pada saya yes tersangat lengkap...

I have a very lovely, gorgeous and handsome husband...sweet, smart, and soleh sonny...Lovely mum, mum in law and father In-Law ...Lovely both family...
Also have my own house, own car...own money, career,education, good guide of religion, and good health condition...and full of joy and me its completely complete..

But if we want more...we have to find it more...
contohla...kalo nak naik pangkat keje lebih sikit kan...nak duit banyak cari side income ke...tu namanya additional effort untuk lebih seperti yang kita nak la...
Tapi bersyukurlah atas apa yang kita ada ...kalo lebihan banyak...Alhamdulillah sangat...
And that is what I want in my life actually...Alhamdulillah...


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