Monday, 27 April 2020

Wake Up Blog!!

Wake Up Blog!!!

This post is the first post since i never ever write on this  blog for almost 1-2 years back..
my bad...I'm supposed have my own space to jot down something to release my stress...
Oh may be i'm go lucky person before and didn't think about any pressure...
but after the totally change me a lot...

Forget it..hmm..okay gais...i will always spend my time to write here...harini bersamaan 2 Ramadhan 1441H dan 25 April 2020. (Time bulan pose je ingat bulan hijrah kan)hahaha
so now at 6:50pm...harini iolls masak nasi arab tau...syiok plak dok umah during MCO ni gaisss masak n masak..

ok nant sambung nak hidang juadah berbuka updated kat fb...menunye is simple nasi aran and cara berlauk...
nampak sekerajinan itu kan...harus2...MCO lama cuti gilos masak memasak...

the best momento is anak suami smua ade depan mata...heaven yakmat hokay...
but since 27/04/2020 husbnd start koje miss him so much...

love n hugs


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