Formula Milk For Emir
Emir dudi2 and mama |
Hmm...this coming 25th dear Emir age has reach 4 month...hmm dan sepanjang 3 bulan Emir minum formula milk...5 type of milk mama keep trying and trying which is the best for you...
since problems on my 'B'..I got a fever that time...ayah bought your 1st Formula milk...
S26: Alhamdulillah...Emir sememangnye good boy...he loves it so much...i'm happy for least he's not starving since he stop BF...Harga??hmm qite OK..maybe sbb Emir minum S26 bukan GOLD...huhu so 650gm=RM26.00...ayah can breath...hahaha
Anmum :Then I try to give him what people said...Anmum is quite good formula milk especially for new born..harga mmg quite xpensive la 650gm=RM40.60 .....woo...sakit jantung ayah...hehe..but dear...anything for u...and luckily he dislike this Formula milk...hmmm xtau nape.minum je lidah start le jelir2 pastu xmo minum dah...
so I continue with S26...smpila 1 mase...dlm sminggu...Emir sembelit je..mama kurgkn susu...but still cmtu la anak mama ni.. so mama decide to change Formula Milk..kepada Lactogen
Lactogen:Hmm this kind of Formula milk is quite cheap...mama and ayah really happy sbb Emir love it...650gm=RM16.90...haha...murah kan???tapi...mama pelik...najis Emir warna hijau...mama refer to doc...she said that condtion means susu tu x sesuai untuk baby...and its absolutely correct...tiap kali nak 'berry' Emir nangis cam sakit perut...mama sedih sangat....mama try lagi tukar susu...
Dumex Dulac: Ni pun quite cheap gak 650gm=RM17.90...mahal sket dari serius bau susu die sedap...hehehe...1st Emir 'berry' najis die kuning...i am agak keras sket...Then 2nd, 3rd time...still lagi keras and Emir keep crying kalo nak 'berry'...dan terpaksa di pancit...cian anak mama...mama try cari lagi susu lain...MAMEX GOLD STEP 1
Mamex Gold: hmm ini mmg untuk Emir, mama gagahkan jua membeli...sekali minum Emir muntah...2 kali minum pun muntah juga...erkk muntah kat ayah...hahaha...suke lak mama...cian tau ayah ...haish...hmmm means x sesuai la tu...mama tukar lagi susu......
Frisolac Gold: Oh..before I forgot...this Formula milk was suggested by my dear hubby...harga???quite xpensive gak...400gm = RM 24.90...hmm baru pakai nampak Emir nye najis kuning dan x keras...hmmm sesuai tak ni???owh...jgn judge too waiting for the result after 2nd and 3rd tin yang mama akan beli ptg ni...hehe...(susu emir habis ni...smlam lupe bli...haishhh)
Ape2 pun...mama akan make sure the best for u dear...mahal ke murah its not a big deal...yg pntg kesihatan awak...