Friday, 24 June 2011

Photostate???? hahaha

Really photostate =)

Alhamdulillah I'm being bless to be a wife to a very thoughtfull hubby...loving and caring,...and very happy to be a mother to a very cute, sweet and cheeky son...
Both of them are really make my day happier ever after...haha...
my cute son face were really photostate from his father...haha...see the pic below...his smile...his cheek..but his eyes exactly same as me =)...(kire ok la...mama dapat tang mata je) hahaha
try compare.... =)

a photocopy face..

ni scanner...haha

Monday, 20 June 2011

Happy Father's Day

fathers Day Celebration

Sempena fathers and kak G dah wat preparation for father's day celebration...kak G bli Kek yang sedap...yummy...kak G bagi ajan hadiah jam...but me...give my hubby short pants..not really short but 3rd quater pants...hehehe...anyway..hope u like it dear...

This is the first time my hubby being a great father...hehe..thanks dear..for being such a good and great father and hubby that we ever had...

For all father, dad, papa out there...a very happy father's day for all of you...

Best kek ni
emir syg ayah
Fathers day ...
Emir dah mengantuk kan?
We are happy family

Bye..Bye Akmal Sis Yanti & Aqil

End Up HoliDay Session For My Nephew & Sister

18 Jun 2011 yang lepas (Sabtu)..kak Yant, akmal and Aqil plak balik ke Paris...hmm sangat sedey sbnnye...tapi kna wat2 hepi...nant sedey lbh lak...hehehe..
flight kul 6.40pm tp boarding start kul few photo kat airport

Aqil and Lia..dua2 malu

Cik ayu and aqil..

Chumilnye mereka berdua

Alahai anak mama yang haus ni..cian die

Sape nampak muda???
ayat soalan dari kakT...mahu jawapan jujur x???

Me, mak(wah rugged,kak yant,kak G and Lia)

Akmal &harith

Anak ayah chumel

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Zaman BerTunang (Cheeewah)

Saya Tunangan Orang???wow!!!

Kami bertunang pada 21 March 2009...hari sabtu malam ahad...hmmm kami bertunang 'setahun hidup' ape ntah term tu...tapi menurut kate org2 tua (sape tu???) huhu setahun hidup means setahun bleh, lbh pon bleh kurang dr setahun pon bleh...color heaven...yeay...

Thanks to Shida...sbb help me and accompany me during the u my best frenzzz...hehehehehe..santek baju kamu...hehehe...

with my best frenz


Busy2 makcik kiah ni

Kak Long yang menyarungkan cincin...hehe

Me kak Long and Naha

Me, janna ng Lina

Memory...memory and memory

Kenangan semusim yang Lalu...

Mengimbas kembali kenangan zaman2 bercinta...aiyak..malunye saye...hahaha...kami (me and hubby) seperti pasangan yang bezanya both of us sangatlah sempoi yang love words...takde panggilan sayang...hmm but only reaction show everything....I love it..

Kami becinta dari zaman belajar...aiseh...malu lagi ni...hehehe...(tapi result kitorg best tau...hehehe...yeke?tak la best mane tapi better la sblm couple dolu...wakaka) mase tu hubby kat UTHM dan saya kat UKM...
almost everyweek hubby datang UKM or else saya balik kampung...(kalo x jumpe rindu lak kang) wakakaka...selalunye kitorang sewa kete and jalan2..bestnye...tapi kalo hubby datang UKM...nak balik johor hari ahad malam...msti syahdu syahdan...huhu..tu la seronoknye zaman becinta kan??/hehehe... I love U dear...Xleh cite lbh2...let be our sweet memory...keep on our mind..hehehe...nant Emir jeles lak ng kebestan mama ng ayah...hahahaha...The photo below will show everything... =) see ya!

oh comotnye kami zaman ini...tahun 2006 ni..

Zaman hubby blaja..see my pic paste on his table =)

We are in the movie theater...smpat lagi gambo

First time naik train

Hubby Konvo~congrate dear~

Ni zaman dah kije ni...wakakaka..jnjalan best

Anyway bile bermulanya zaman kije kat mitsumi ng AEN..hubby kije kat Shimano...wan dah kuar dari mitsumi mase tu.....kami berkawan berempat dan selalu kemana2, hubby, zahir and wan...(owh no...i am the only one gurl) but its ok..iam enjoying the momment =)
jalan???hmm almost everyweek...sampaila dah ade anak still same...hehehe so sweet

Berbuka Puasa tahun 2008 tak silap

Celebrate Beday Aen ng hubby tahun 2008

Ni la wan yang konon2 malu

Ni beday wan...tahun 2009 kot

Ni before kami kawen...hang out ng aen kat JUSCO TEBRAU

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Full Day & Week...

Weekend yang Busy

Last weekend is the most busy weekend...a full day for both day...Penat???owh..sesungguhnye...wakaka...but saya sangat puas sbb dapat menggembirakan hati org2 yang saya ade gak cite tak best sket2 tu,...biasala...sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit kan

Balik kije as usual la since lunch tu have lunch with ami, mak, kak T, akmal and Aqil...Then balik je start my routine...masak..I wanna cook a best food for my dear hubby and my brother (ami) as I keep cooking untill 7.30pm...hehe..really tired....such many things yang nak masak kan...but i enjoyed it...Emir???as usual la...cari2 mama...haha...mama hiding kat kitchen..
That nite we going out to find out TV.why??? oh sblm lupe let me xplain why..anyway TV yang my hubby bli kat rengit laut brukuran 50inchi tu rosak lagi...this time still xleh nak recognize why it happen...coz suddenly je happen...hmmm let it be...just the best way...find out new TV...berbalik semula pada cite tadi...cari punye cari semua kedai balik la...hmmm my hubby nak g men futsal...i feel mad..why??hmm becoz saturday he going to work,... =(...but my fault...he just 1 times a week wanna play some rasional trying tooo =(

Early morning hubby dah going for work...then I stay at home with the cute fella (Emir)...Then I call kak G to accompany me to buying a paint...hahaha...we are going to paint our house...color???owh suprise...I will attached it soon Ok...anyway Emir sakit perut and keep crying...owh dear,...and after feel better he lay on my shoulder...and sleep...Hmm after ayah back from work...we are going to JUSCO!!! mama love it...we find out the TV LCD 32" jenama Panasonic and home theater...price???not suitable to mention here...hehehe..
Then we arriving home about 8.00pm...we take a rest...

Ahad I am working ok..half day only...hmm jaga xam student...early morning dididi Emir dah bangun,,,nak follow lain dukung keep crying...mama dukung...masuk kete trus tdo sampaila ke adtec...haish budak busyuk ni...then balik ng ayah...dok kat car seat senyum2 babai mama...hehe naughty...At noon we are going to send Ami to airport...he wanna going back to France...maybe from the pic will tell everything right???so keep looking Ok
me Hubby and KFC airport

Meriahnye makan

Ami nak balik...sedey



Emir in his stroller...berbual2 sorg2


What is the best Milk For You dear???

Formula Milk For Emir

Emir dudi2 and mama
Hmm...this coming 25th dear Emir age has reach 4 month...hmm dan sepanjang 3 bulan Emir minum formula milk...5 type of milk mama keep trying and trying which is the best for you...
since problems on my 'B'..I got a fever that time...ayah bought your 1st Formula milk...
S26: Alhamdulillah...Emir sememangnye good boy...he loves it so much...i'm happy for least he's not starving since he stop BF...Harga??hmm qite OK..maybe sbb Emir minum S26 bukan GOLD...huhu so 650gm=RM26.00...ayah can breath...hahaha

Anmum :Then I try to give him what people said...Anmum is quite good formula milk especially for new born..harga mmg quite xpensive la 650gm=RM40.60 .....woo...sakit jantung ayah...hehe..but dear...anything for u...and luckily he dislike this Formula milk...hmmm xtau nape.minum je lidah start le jelir2 pastu xmo minum dah...

so I continue with S26...smpila 1 mase...dlm sminggu...Emir sembelit je..mama kurgkn susu...but still cmtu la anak mama ni.. so mama decide to change Formula Milk..kepada Lactogen
Lactogen:Hmm this kind of Formula milk is quite cheap...mama and ayah really happy sbb Emir love it...650gm=RM16.90...haha...murah kan???tapi...mama pelik...najis Emir warna hijau...mama refer to doc...she said that condtion means susu tu x sesuai untuk baby...and its absolutely correct...tiap kali nak 'berry' Emir nangis cam sakit perut...mama sedih sangat....mama try lagi tukar susu...

Dumex Dulac: Ni pun quite cheap gak 650gm=RM17.90...mahal sket dari serius bau susu die sedap...hehehe...1st Emir 'berry' najis die kuning...i am agak keras sket...Then 2nd, 3rd time...still lagi keras and Emir keep crying kalo nak 'berry'...dan terpaksa di pancit...cian anak mama...mama try cari lagi susu lain...MAMEX GOLD STEP 1

Mamex Gold: hmm ini mmg untuk Emir, mama gagahkan jua membeli...sekali minum Emir muntah...2 kali minum pun muntah juga...erkk muntah kat ayah...hahaha...suke lak mama...cian tau ayah ...haish...hmmm means x sesuai la tu...mama tukar lagi susu......

Frisolac Gold: Oh..before I forgot...this Formula milk was suggested by my dear hubby...harga???quite xpensive gak...400gm = RM 24.90...hmm baru pakai nampak Emir nye najis kuning dan x keras...hmmm sesuai tak ni???owh...jgn judge too waiting for the result after 2nd and 3rd tin yang mama akan beli ptg ni...hehe...(susu emir habis ni...smlam lupe bli...haishhh)

Ape2 pun...mama akan make sure the best for u dear...mahal ke murah its not a big deal...yg pntg kesihatan awak...

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Dating Again =)

                                                         DATING & DATING
6 June 2011

hmm...setelah hampir 4 bulan kehadiran our sweetheart...dan sebulan waiting time dolu...akhirnya kami dating sweet..rase cam baru berkenlan lak ng encik suami...wakakaka...enjoying the momment together...only both of us...our derie emir kat umah pengasuh...hmm sekali skala bagi can kat mama and ayah dating...emir such a good boy...he u dear.

kami watch movie...Pirates Of the Carribean...then makan kat sizzling hot stones...yummy...makan daging yang dipanggang atas batu bersuhu 300 degree...kite yang panggang tunggu sampai masak...then start delicious...teringat emir kan kocik lagi...x pandai makan lagi kan sayang

hmm pastu kami have a shop sket...of course la baju untuk anak kesayangan kami tu...romper baju tenderly...dear hubby tu kalo jumpe baju jek...sure ingat anak kesayangan too...
nampaknye baju raya emir dah cukup...tinggal baju raya mama and ayah je blom terbeli lagi...hehehe

hmm about 4pm kami gerak balik...then singgah drive thru kfc taman perling jap tgk you tube maharaja lawak week 10...serius golak tak hingat kami berdua dalam kete...huhu...but sweet day...I love it...the day will be more meaningfull if we bring Emir together...but I knew that he really tired because a day before we have a long day journey...with him..and he...sleep and sleep....

Love both of u ayah emir and Emir as well so much...muahhhs

Friday, 3 June 2011

100 days birthday for my dear emir

100 Days

Dear Emir..sok cukup 100days ur age...and I really2 happy to be your mother...sincerely dear...mama & ayah was really gratefull to have you as our son...u always shine up our life...

Sejak dalam perut lagi awak sangat understanding abut mama's feeling...awak enjoy every momment inside the womb..awak slalu respond when mama called you up...and awak slalu kick when ayah put his ear on mama's womb..naughty boy...but really dear ..we really enjoy every single momment with U...
Do you know dear...mama slowly change my attitude...if I stubborn and always arguing ayah before...but now I am better...maybe that because of u...I have to change...I have to dear

Hopefully U will be a good son...obey to mama and a great Muslim, son, grandchild, student, friends and employee when u grow up soon.
I love U dear...we always pray the best for U...happy 100 days dear

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Emir With Playing MAt


Before mama start work (after maternity leave), mama bought something for Emir via online...hmm playing mat..just simple mat with a toy...hehe...actually mama addict on baby toy' cute and colorful..hopefully my son love it too...

what a suprise???Emir love to play on the playing mat...he enjoy himself and sometimes he playwith the toys until he sleep...hehe...Dear...everything for you

Emir play with the toys

Emir dah sleepy...haha


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