Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Full Day & Week...

Weekend yang Busy

Last weekend is the most busy weekend...a full day for both day...Penat???owh..sesungguhnye...wakaka...but saya sangat puas sbb dapat menggembirakan hati org2 yang saya sayang...tp ade gak cite tak best sket2 tu,...biasala...sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit kan

Balik kije as usual la since lunch tu have lunch with ami, mak, kak T, akmal and Aqil...Then balik je start my routine...masak..I wanna cook a best food for my dear hubby and my brother (ami) as well...so I keep cooking untill 7.30pm...hehe..really tired....such many things yang nak masak kan...but i enjoyed it...Emir???as usual la...cari2 mama...haha...mama hiding kat kitchen..
That nite we going out to find out TV.why??? oh sblm lupe let me xplain why..anyway TV yang my hubby bli kat rengit laut brukuran 50inchi tu rosak lagi...this time still xleh nak recognize why it happen...coz suddenly je happen...hmmm let it be...just the best way...find out new TV...berbalik semula pada cite tadi...cari punye cari semua kedai tutup...so balik la...hmmm my hubby nak g men futsal...i feel mad..why??hmm becoz saturday he going to work,... =(...but my fault...he just 1 times a week wanna play some sports...be rasional ayu...im trying tooo =(

Early morning hubby dah going for work...then I stay at home with the cute fella (Emir)...Then I call kak G to accompany me to buying a paint...hahaha...we are going to paint our house...color???owh suprise...I will attached it soon Ok...anyway Emir sakit perut and keep crying...owh dear,...and after feel better he lay on my shoulder...and sleep...Hmm after ayah back from work...we are going to JUSCO!!! mama love it...we find out the TV LCD 32" jenama Panasonic and home theater...price???not suitable to mention here...hehehe..
Then we arriving home about 8.00pm...we take a rest...


Suprise...today I am working ok..half day only...hmm jaga xam student...early morning dididi Emir dah bangun,,,nak follow mama...org lain dukung keep crying...mama dukung...masuk kete trus tdo sampaila ke adtec...haish budak busyuk ni...then balik ng ayah...dok kat car seat senyum2 babai mama...hehe naughty...At noon we are going to send Ami to airport...he wanna going back to France...maybe from the pic will tell everything right???so keep looking Ok
me Hubby and emir..at KFC airport

Meriahnye makan

Ami nak balik...sedey



Emir in his stroller...berbual2 sorg2



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