Monday, 16 January 2012

My little sunshine =)


Emir Ukasyah...budak somel yang dah tumbuh 2 biji gigi...and mula melangkah step by step ni mmg naughty...

last weekend die kejutkan ayah and mama...die bangun and tawa2 kat mama and ayah...tdo malam pon nak peluk mama juga...haish...manja la awak ni...slalu kan suke tdo ni manja lebih ea..nak kena geget ni budak tecit ni...
hehehe...rindu awak la emir...mmmuah

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Awak begitu sempurna di Hati Saya...


Telah ku siapkan satu daerah paling sunyi
Dalam hati ini untuk kau isi sebagai isteri
Untuk kau penuhi dengan kemuliaan seorang wanita
Untuk kau beri erti dengan kelembutan
Untuk kau hargai dengan kasih sayang

Ku ingin kau jadi wanita mulia
Yang tahu harga budi dan hati
Seorang lelaki bernama suami

Kerana engkau isteri
Ku ingin kau mengerti bahawa hidup ini
Tak semudah yang kita janjikan
Yang kita janjikan
Kerana kau isteriku

 Bile dengar je lagu ni dan mendalami setiap bait2 lagu...seriously...I'm so touch...
 Adakah saya cukup sempurna menjadi seorang isteri kepada suami sebaik suami saya??
Frankly speaking...I need to change myself...I have to be more rasional..Sometimes...some small matter can be a big problems...I create it...I make it complex and complicated. 
Alhamdulillah..Praise to Allah...for giving me my lovely hubby...
He is an ordinary person...
He is simple and easy going person
He understand me more
He love me so much
He do everything for me and Emir
He always try and get some effort to make me happy
He is gorgeous and smart (in my eyes)
He know how to persuade me...
But me???
How much effort that I've done to ensure he will be happy??...
 I am easy to sulk
and sometimes I'm strongly insisting (this will be happen when he just keep quiet and ignoring me)
its really embarrasing..
That is me...I am...hmmm
I need to change...
This new 2012...I need to change...
Please Allah...Please help me to change myself...
I love him so much...I want him to be happy always...

this song is for you my dear...


kau begitu sempurna
di mataku kau begitu indah
kau membuatku diriku akan selalu memujamu

di setiap langkahku
ku kan selalu memikirkan dirimu
tak dapat ku bayangkan
hidupku tanpa cintamu

janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
takkan mampu menghadapi semua
hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

kau adalah darahku
kau adalah jantungku
kau adalah hidupku
lengkapi diriku
oh sayangku kau begitu

kau genggam tanganku
saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku


Monday, 9 January 2012

2012 is arriving....Bye2 2011...

2012 vs 2011

Supposedly this entry was post on early January which is the welcome greetings for 2012..But since im busy like 'gaban' and lazy dizzy to type and have to posponed it tilll now ...
So now we talk about my determination on 2012 and checked on my achievement 2011...can be proud of it or still need to upgrade...
There is a lot of things I've been facing and  achieve on 2011 ...
We start from the happy things...

The most happier ever is...

1. My application for move from ADTEC Melaka to ADTEC Batu Pahat was approved. I'll report duty @Adtec Batu Pahat on 7 January 2011.(so thats mean..I can stay with my lovely hubby and deliver the baby @my hometown)
2. My Little sonny was born on 25 February 2011 @HSA Johor Bahru. I am a mother right status was change to a mum...really happy..
3. We(me, hubby and little sonny) was going to family vacation @Bukit Tinggi (after complete 44days 'berpantang')
4. We are having a vacation to KL, Pahang (Cherating), PD and some other interesting places...
5. I'm being a PA class for semester 4A classes and really enjoying to be with the student
6. I'm teaching Product manufacturing , cost estimation and core abilities subject for semester 4 & 5 student...Really enjoyed when all student passed their examinations
7. My mum got an award ... =)

Constraint on 2011

1. I am admitted Hospital for Cysts Thyroid operation..(just for 2 days admitted but I missed both my heroes like hell)
2. I got a fever on Hari raya anymore
3. I lost one of my frenz....

Actually there is a lot of constraints and happy story...But let just keep in my heart...
As a wife...I am really enjoy to be...Little bit tired sometimes to manage all things but I am sincerely happy to do it...I'm happy to see my hubby and sonny smile...Im happy to be with them and there always cheer up my day...

As a daughter...same goes to ...I am happy to see my mum smile and keep story this and this...even little bit tired to thinking of but I knew she need me to share with...Sincerely I try my best to make everybody happy even sometimes i hurt myself...But sometimes i failed..

But what was my determination on 2012???Am I satisfied on my 2011 achievement??? Of course not...There is a lot of things I have to reshuffle...
What was that???

1. The most first thing I want to change my attitude...I have to be matured and rasional..please my lovely me...
2. I want to show my ability on my job...I want to be hardworking and good ever workers in this institute
3. I wanna be a very good, happy, lovely, kind mum to my sony, wifey to my lovely hubby, daughter to both my parents and in law and sibling as well
what else???hmm just keep in my heart...


Long Time No see

Hye Everybody...

It almost 2-3 weeks entry updated by me...hmm ...I am too busy to finished up my Industrial training (really???) and treat my little dudi emir ukasyah @home...
Actually there are such a lot of story to telling ...but hmm dunno how to start...hahaha...

Okey let me start from happy2 holiday...
Last 2, hubby and my little chubby emir going to a family vacation..(oh forgot...we bring along nenek and nenek was have along holiday @Klang (my cousin and shopping...wah2))
1st and 2nd day we are staying at Puchong (my bro in law houses) we spend time together with for the whole day @IOI mall..hehe...oh...just window shopping shopping his pyjama (err...have to buy new pyjama...because his tummy was growing well...haha)
Because of Emir got a flu and cough that time. He awake on midnite and vomitted...pity to him...

Then the next day we are going to PD...we are staying @Eagle Ranch (Paddock chalet). The places is suitable for family gathering or any others grouping event that need games or xtreme activities..We having big dinner @Kampung Teluk (medan ikan bakar)...We ate ikan siakap bakar+tomyam+kerang bakar+sotong goreng tepung+ 2 juice..Then the total price is RM85.00...(erk...too expensive right...???) haha...once a year its okey...
This is Paddock chalet @Eagle Ranch
Kg Teluk (Medan Ikan bakar)

The next day we are going back to KL to pick up my mum and my sis in law...We drop by @Serdang to Visit the new born baby of Khairi& Nabihah..(my hubby's friends)..
The baby boy was born @home..(impress right??) Long time i will telling u okeh
We arriving home at about 12++ am...
Damn tired but happy and enjoy the momment =)

hmm...later on I will continue work to do... Bubbye

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Sayang Kamu

Sayang Kamu

Saya sayang kamu berdua lovely hubby and my lovely sonny...

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