Monday, 9 January 2012

Long Time No see

Hye Everybody...

It almost 2-3 weeks entry updated by me...hmm ...I am too busy to finished up my Industrial training (really???) and treat my little dudi emir ukasyah @home...
Actually there are such a lot of story to telling ...but hmm dunno how to start...hahaha...

Okey let me start from happy2 holiday...
Last 2, hubby and my little chubby emir going to a family vacation..(oh forgot...we bring along nenek and nenek was have along holiday @Klang (my cousin and shopping...wah2))
1st and 2nd day we are staying at Puchong (my bro in law houses) we spend time together with for the whole day @IOI mall..hehe...oh...just window shopping shopping his pyjama (err...have to buy new pyjama...because his tummy was growing well...haha)
Because of Emir got a flu and cough that time. He awake on midnite and vomitted...pity to him...

Then the next day we are going to PD...we are staying @Eagle Ranch (Paddock chalet). The places is suitable for family gathering or any others grouping event that need games or xtreme activities..We having big dinner @Kampung Teluk (medan ikan bakar)...We ate ikan siakap bakar+tomyam+kerang bakar+sotong goreng tepung+ 2 juice..Then the total price is RM85.00...(erk...too expensive right...???) haha...once a year its okey...
This is Paddock chalet @Eagle Ranch
Kg Teluk (Medan Ikan bakar)

The next day we are going back to KL to pick up my mum and my sis in law...We drop by @Serdang to Visit the new born baby of Khairi& Nabihah..(my hubby's friends)..
The baby boy was born @home..(impress right??) Long time i will telling u okeh
We arriving home at about 12++ am...
Damn tired but happy and enjoy the momment =)

hmm...later on I will continue work to do... Bubbye


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