PneuMonia Vs BerJimba2
Hi Olls...dihari jumaat yang heaven ni tetibe I adalah rajin plak nak pun setelah settle semua kije...
Sepatutnya I adalah berada di Ward sekarang...and berkat kegigihan melawan cakap doctor...hehe...dapatlah bekerja untuk settlekan kije2 yang patot settle.
Hokey...Saya dah almost 2 weeks ++ demam, batuk and selsema
(erk...pakej ni bukan diminta ye)
Then last Wednesday...kepala saya adalah berat sebelah...dunno why...but then sakit giller sebelah kanan...and mukus (hingus) juga berdarah
(sekarang juga masih begitu...cume sakit kepala dah semakin ok)
Then segala ubat2an untuk 3 klinik dah habis I decided untuk pg ke klinik lagi hanya untuk dapatkan ubat bagi hilang sakit kepala and dapat la g koje kan...
Then pg la klinik fitrah kat Pontian. Klinik ni paling best kalo jumpa Dr. Sharifah...She's a very good Doctor and sangat positive and membantu sangat...last time masa I kene buasir pun...I met her...hehehe.
Then bile die rawat...she suddenly said...I have to do an X-Ray and blood test due to something wrong sound during breath...hmmm so die pun buat reference letter and I need to go to GH...
Luckily my brother was there...and I told him to read the reference letter (tau2 je la tulisan doctor yang sangat I paham ok)
then he come to my house he said just come to A&E(accident & emergency) dept tomorrow morning...suspect pneumonia..
hmm ape tu pneumonia???
What is pneumonia?
Is an infection of one or both lungs which is usually caused by bacteria,viruses or fungi.
How do we get pneumonia?
- Contracted by breathing in small droplets that contain organisms that can cause pneumonia.
- These droplets get into the air when a person infected with this germs coughs or sneezes.
- In other cases, pneumonia is caused by when bacteria or viruses that are normally present in
the mouth, throat or nose inadvertently enter the lung.
What are symptoms and signs?
- Sneezing --> Yes, itula saya...kerap dan kerap...
- Cough --> Yes, Hberterusan hingga 2 weeks okey...
- High fever with shaking chills --> Yes, oh almost 2-3 times a week dalam 2 minggu tu...mangsa xleh tido is my hubby (sorry dear)
How is pneumonia diagnosed?
- Chest X-ray -->yes, done..(result...hehehe...ada la cket)
- A blood test --> also done..darah ok!
- Urine test --> done..urine ok!...
Is an infection of one or both lungs which is usually caused by bacteria,viruses or fungi.
How do we get pneumonia?
- Contracted by breathing in small droplets that contain organisms that can cause pneumonia.
- These droplets get into the air when a person infected with this germs coughs or sneezes.
- In other cases, pneumonia is caused by when bacteria or viruses that are normally present in
the mouth, throat or nose inadvertently enter the lung.
What are symptoms and signs?
- Sneezing --> Yes, itula saya...kerap dan kerap...
- Cough --> Yes, Hberterusan hingga 2 weeks okey...
- High fever with shaking chills --> Yes, oh almost 2-3 times a week dalam 2 minggu tu...mangsa xleh tido is my hubby (sorry dear)
How is pneumonia diagnosed?
- Chest X-ray -->yes, done..(result...hehehe...ada la cket)
- A blood test --> also done..darah ok!
- Urine test --> done..urine ok!...
Okey...sebenarnye pagi Khamis, saya pegi ke Hospital Pontian seawal 8.30 pagi (tu x awal ok)
Aler budget ade abg kat situ leh pg bile2 masa la kan???
So buatla xray dan blood test...
Bile pas buat blood test...saya cabut balik umah...wakakaka
sekali kene panggil balik ke hospital...jumpa doctor...then doctor cakap...u have to warded...since 2 weeks dah batuk and ada lelendir kat peparu
Oh no no no...I adalah tak nak ape lagi...terus la berdrama swasta ..
Me : Doctor...hmm ape kate tak payah masuk wad dulu...kite kene berusaha dulu..
Doctor : (sambil gelak)..mana boleh...u dah agak worse tau...nafas pun tersekat
Me: hmmm tapi kite boleh usaha dulu makan ubat kan doctor??
Doctor: I'm sure u dah makan priveta hospital punya antibiotik...quite high dose...but still belum baik kan?
Me: ha...that's why la doctor kene bagi saya ubat antibiotik lebih kuat dari itu...belh (sambil buat muka comel)
Doctor : Okey... I bagi u tempoh 3 hari..then u have to come again...If your condition still not Ok...U have to admit ward
Me : (Buat peace) mmg best...bleh2...saya akan berusaha
Doctor : nak MC ye esok
Me : eh...xpe2 saya kene kerja...banyak keje la doctor
Doctor : (Sambil geleng and gelak) Hadoi...ada juga org taknak MC...adik U ni pelik la saiful (sambil cakap dengan abg saya)
Abg saya : Die ni mmg camni...demam pun boleh jalan2..sakit pun macam tak sakit
sementara mereka berbual...I adalah pegi ke farmasi...amek ubat
tetibe phone berbunyi..
"abg saya: wei ko katne?"
"saya: Kat farmasi"
"abg saya : wei ape blom habis cakap lagi tadi"
Rupanya doctor nak bg segala document kat saya supaya tak lari (hello doc yang bijak...harusla saya lari dengan mudah sbb hospital takde my reference...wakakaka...gile jahat)
hahaha...itula cerita saya dan penyakit saya..
Eh...harini saya pegi keje tau...alhamdulillah Okey la sket
Cume...antibiotik...buat I adalah pening and muntah...rupanya...mmg komplikasi ubat...hahaha...padan muko den...
mari sihat
Mari berjimba...
Mari berjimba...bosan la tak sihat...
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