Monday, 30 May 2011

The Weekend

Weekend Yg Busy..

Hmm mmg sangat busy especialy for my hubby...last usual balik kije mmg prepare untuk follow dear hubby g futsal..and as usual juga im staying at kak Long House (mmg best..sbb???oh kak Long ni sangat la meriah sakan...hehe...kalo dah borak 1 hari 1 mlm x habis)...then trus balik kg...sampai kat kg biasa paling awal kul 130pg...emir??oh beliau x sedar ape yang berlaku...sedar2 je keesokan paginye die dah berada dirumah mak tok...msti bangun muka cute my little prince tu...

SabTu yang Panjang

nape camtu???sbb my dear hubby g explore race under MBJBT...oh sangatla buhsan...tapi ade sesuatu yang menarik...kak nana and abg eman ajak kami jnjalan ke jusco taman U...ade after masak lunch we all pon bertolak...sampai dalam kul 1.20pm camtu...and suprise!!!my dear hubby ade skali...lunch and shop together...hmm great!!! I love it

Kami sampai umah lbh kurang kul 500pm...same to my hubby...die sampi lbh kurang kul 530pm cmtu...then...malam tu kami bertolak balik taman...

Ahad yang Indah

We spend the whole day together...hepi sangat...and ptg tu kami pick up my brother yang balik dr france...ami...

hmmm mmg sangat rindu ng ami...since kami kawen x jumpe...balik tu kami makan kat kemnagi...gambar ade dalam kamera...nant sy upload yea...


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