Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Emir Sana Sini...8 month already...

Emir my Lil sunshine

See??? Who is this chubby guy??? Of course la my lil Sunshine Emir Ukasyah...
After 8 month...Emir progress:

Dah Pandai makan biskutis sendiri...
Dah memapah pusing meja (owh dear..mama got heart attack each time u trying to make stunt action)
Dah pandai wat muka boring...haha
Muka bosan
Dah pandai tido join ayah
Anak ayah...hehe
Dah pandai main wiper kete ayah
dah pandai panjat badan ayah
Dah pandai main mesin jahit nenek

P/S:*Alamak dah dekat Kul 5pm...nant next time saye sambung lagi progress Emir ea...hehe


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