Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Family Day!!! Yeay...

Cherating Mari!!!

Hmm...I'm just back from KL (for the induction) on early morning saturday we are start our journey to CHERATING!!!
We choose Sanctuary Resort Cherating ( Not recommended) Actually this is the only one place offered the apartment we finally choose this place (even the most worse management, beach and place we ever met)
I am the organizer for this family day trip actually...We booked for 2 Days 1 Night...means saturday and Sunday...

We start our journey at about 4am in the morning... (Emir keep sleeping Alhamdulillah)..We drop by to kampung and waiting for, Bapak, Mak , Kak Nana, Kak Han, A. Eman &  Izham. We then start again our trip at about 5am...Kak long, Abg Din, Adi, Lina, Rae, Mal, Fahim, Jana, Wada, Zarith, Abg Lim, K. Emah, Iman & Abg Chik was waiting for us at Hentian Macap...After subuh..we continue our journey...let's GO!!!

After almost 5 Hours journey,we arriving at Sanctuary Resort...Our first impression..(hmm??? messy places) yes and absolutely yes...The worse management force me to make so much complain...We were worried because there is such a lot of mosquito at the appartment...My hubby requested the shieldtox but the management refuse to give us. We just received key for One of the room also at about 5pm...Im get mad of them..and called the bos..The bos say sorry and try to do the best for us...

We have a beach football match at the evening...(mixed boys and gurls) we enjoyed the momment...some of the player can play with super strikers...hahaha especially mak ngah...
Emir slept with mak tok at the apartment...Mama enjoying playing football and dip at the swimming pool...

At the night we are having a big dinner...
Family dinner in the room....

On the next day...Emir was awake us...he smile and make me shocked ...I screaming during he look at me...I smile and Emir try to abuse mama...hahaha...sweet dear...
After take a bath...we having a breakfast outside. At Mizi restaurant (this restaurant was recognize in GPS)
We then play again at the beach

At about 12.30pm, we checked out and going to Kuantan... (we have a lunch at Pesisir Sungai Kuantan)...quite expensive and not really good taste...
We then going to Teluk Chempedak...for just a while...
After solat at Masjid Kuantan we going Back to JOHOR...

Really enjoy the momment..but really tired...I got a flu and fever yesterday...hahaha...

Hmm... Next time Ill load the pic...I cant transfer it now...some technical pblem occured...sorry Ok

Syarat Untuk Pengesahan Jawatan......

Syarat Untuk Pengesahan Jawatan Kakitangan Kerajaan

Ada beberapa syarat bagi pengesahan jawatan kakitangan kerajaan bagi semua jawatan...bezanya adalah ada jawatan yang memerlukan peperiksaan dan ada jawatan yang tak juga...
Bagi penjawatan Pegawai Latihan Vokasional (J41) ada 3 syarat wajib iaitu :
1. Mengikuti kursus Induksi Umum
2.Mengikuti Kursus induksi Khusus
3. Lulus peperiksaan Skim perkhidmatan J41 

So after all this complete...bolehlah confirm dgn jayanya...

Im just complete 1 task out of 3...(Mengikuti Kursus Induksi Khusus)...tu pon baru je habis 21-23 Nov 2011 yang lalu
Induksi Umum belum pg lagi...Insya Allah next year I'll attend the Induction..
Last time masa nak Induction, I have to do my thyroid Cysts it posponed to the next session...
Service Scheme Exam???hmm failed for the 2nd could I???I am really dissappointed of it...But Ill try my best soon


Let me strory morry about my 'kursus induksi Khusus'...
which was be held at KSM putrajaya on 21-23 Nov 2011. The bad things i have to face for this training of course I have to leave my lovely hubby alone at home...(cutinye dibekukan)
And the best thing is..I met my BFF (PLV)during pemantapan last time...Oh its too heaven...
I am siiting at the first lane with mai & Faz, Shikin, Wana & Dila(my new crazy frenz) sitting at the 2nd lane. But we can still chat each other (see???how talkative we are) hehehe
hmm still cute..mommy to be...4 month preggy...still intend to transfer to JPK/CIAST/etc (she spend a lot   of money for travelling from Nilai to ILP pedas.Pity of her) to listen ...less talking ...and sweet smile...
Mai : 
Ahnaf Mommy...sweet, cute...stay at ILP Kuala Langat...still cannot recognize road     to make jokes...and love to teasing frenz...
Mikin : 
hmm sweet buddy...busy2...still single and to to listen as to go window shopping & to sleep...always sleepy...hahahahaha
My new frenz...Frenz to Mai & Mikin actually..but still can be my frenz.. (i dnt mind)...hehe...sweet...talkative...joker as well...
Dila : 
My new frenz as well..Also mai's to talk...sweet...mommy to be ...5mnth preggy...

Mai & Faz

Me, Mikin, Mai & Faz

Me & Si tomot mikin

Dila & Wana

P/S * : Frenz...thanks for the enjoyable momment =)

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Kerja Untuk Hidup @ Hidup untuk kerja???

Work for the sake Of Life

Kerja...hmm kerja tu mmg rezeki (Alhamdulillah) kite perlu bersyukur kerana diberi peluang bekerja sebab ramai org kat luar nun still searching for job...and the best word is jobless
Cume kadang2 kite presure dgn keje kite ...(lumrah pekerjaan..ade yang mudah dan kadang2 perlukan tahap kesabaran tinggi) kadang2 kite boleh jadi rasional dan kadang2 kite jadi emosional
Bila kite dh berkeluarga...ade anak...kerja mmg sangat penting...and now a days..wifey juga turut bekerja untuk meringankan beban husband.. (tp sbnnye woman skarang dh ramai yang ada qualification, knowledge & skill yang selayaknya harus bekerja bagi seseorg individu

My husband is an engineer.He is a family is number one for him..But lately he got a problems in his company..The tester at his  station is not working..The output just can be produce 9 out of 48 per day...He still work on it and  he need to work overtime...His bos forced him to settle the problems as soon as possible...Customer as well..and of course he really stressed to face all this thing...He going home a little bit late because he try to solve the problem..Sometimes at 10 pm he arriving home...and he look really tired..

I am supposely support him..but since he have to work on saturday & Sunday...I am being too emosional and the monday, I have to go to Putrajaya for attending the training...I am too sad  and stressed because I need to be with him and spend the whole weekend with him because of that reason...But he have to work on the weekend..
hmm how bad I am...I get mad at smile nor jokes...hmmm...I feel guilt at him...he try to persuade me....and finally im OK....

I bought my Emir and mum to KL...without my hubby...I'm really feel lonely even Emir & mum  with me...Emir also can't sleep and searching for his ayah. All the nite he keep awake and find ayah...I become so tired to entertain him all the nite...

My husband is really good husband that I ever met...He try to make me happy each single day and try to fullfill all my wishes...But why I am so sellfish???hmmm

I am sorry dear..I promise to you...i'll be good...ill be good wife...obey to u...and be rasional all the time...PROMISE!
Love U so Much

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Kisah Sorang Budak Kecik

 Sorang Budak Kecik

Saya Emir...Nama Penuh saya Emir Ukasyah Bin Mohd Zaki 
Now my age almost 9 month's old....and I still learn how to 'walk' without monitoring by mum, nenek, ayah or my baby sitter...(But untill now they still keeping eyes on me) rimas I...

Now I love to attached to my MUM...she's so huggies (even skinny) and I love it...My father the most gorgeous and kind father in d world...But since my mum is so pampered to him so better I attached to my mum...hahahaha

My Progress??? owh...hehehe...
I love to smile (my mum always said 'senyum ngada2') but I think I keep a sweet smile...maybe she jealous on me...hahaha..
I love to play with 'tangga'...when I climb it...I put up my hand (to show how terror I am) then..U will hear my mum or nenek screaming (Emir!!!!jangan lepas tangan camtu) and I??? keep smiling again =)
I love to play with the ball (my mum bought agry bird ball) alahai..too cute...But I prefer to play with the real footbal...but my mum said (not yet...If I didnt put the ball into my mouth...then she will buy it for me)
I love to help my mum in the kitchen during she cook =) (hopefully one day I can become a master chef)
I will show my anger when im not satisfied to something (for example: My mum forbid me from play with the TV cable. Then Iwill scream and cry)
I love a finger smoke =) (my mum always count my finger...maybe she still learn how to count the finger...haha)
I love sleep with my mum and dad... =)
I love to play and sing with my mum ....she love to sing a folk song to me...
       Ba ba black sheep
       Old Mc Donald
       Twinkle2 little star
       Are u sleeping brother John
       Bapaku pulang dari Kota
       Lompat si Katak Lompat
       and etc....
My mum will sing the song while I clap my hand... I love this so much
I dont like crawling...I love to stand still or learn how to 'walk' by my own... =)

P/S * : I love U Emir

Wedding Sana Sini Situ

Wedding Ceremony

Cite cam my wedding lak ek???hehehe
Anyway last week kami semua attending the wedding day for My-in Law sister's 2nd Son...His age almost same with us (me & hubby)
The bride name is RAE...hehehe..and the bridegroom is MAL..

The wedding is held at Bandar tAsek Permaisuri KL. The Nikah Day is on 11.11.2011...hmm nice number right???even 11.11.11 is on Friday, but since the nice number almost all the couple choose that day for their BIG DAY.

The next day is the wedding ceremony...My Emir keep sleeping during the ceremony...'on ayah's shoulder' ...hehehe

Layan gambar Okeh

Ni la pengantin lelaki...hemsem tau

Ni plak pengantin pompuan...ayu gittu

sama cantek sama padan

Perarakan...dengan paluan kompang

Parents from bride side

Adeh kecohnye pakcik makcik pengantin ni...

Ni juga makcik2 penyeri majlis...xde diorang x jadi majlis nih

Saya baru bangun...ngantuk la mama

Oh adengan terlampau...pakcik and nephew..erk..jeles I

Ni lagi lawak...posing maut x hengat

Anugerah Ibu tunggal Cemerlang Negeri Johor

My Mum is One Of the candidate

Hmm...Im so exciting to attending the ' Anugerah Ibu Tunggal Cemerlang Negeri Johor' event which is held at Dewan KencanaPuri (sound like old castle) Pulai Spring Johor Bahru on 15th November 2011.

There is 11 candidate from 8 district in Johor Bahru...
All of them received award, Cheque RM2000.00, Microwave, Certificate and Baju kurung.
Im really proud of my mum...
I'm  really appreciate on her sacrifices..She raise her child alone after my father past away...

My mum is the real superwoman...(not a supermak okeh) hehe......
Anugerah =)

Mum amek award

Nenek comel =)

Maktok, nenek & duddi emir

mak Long and anak2

Me & mummy

Me,Emir, maktok and mum

Posing lebih ni..hehe

Adik makan mama

Merahnye family pak Long

Nenek & family Paklong
Love U mum...

Monday, 14 November 2011

Budak somel macam kangaroo

Emir si Somel yang melekap kat mama

Ape cer ni???lamenye tak hupdated incik blog ni...nape yek???

1. Saya coti2 melisia (harusla  x dapat nak hupdate blog ni...busy with emir )
2. Saya Busy2 with si tomel
3. Incik BB takde dah...sume dah terminated
4. blom ade mood ar...huhu yeke???


Ape lak merapu ni???...sebenanye nak story mory pasal benda lain...tapi lain lak citenye...huhu
Emir sweet dearie sonny...dah berusia almost 9 month...

Last week he got a fever...vomitted and diarrhoea...pity of him...he crying and look so tired..
Luckily I'm on leave and my hubby as well. So we bring him to Colombia Asia Hospital to see the pediatrician..We met Dr. Razlina...(a very kind and soft spoken Doctor). She advices us to make sure Emir eat more vegetables...Emir maybe infected from viruses...Alhamdulillah..Emir's getting better now..
See..Kangaroo sleep

But what am I realized about Emir...He now extremely attached to me if I leave him just for a minutes...he will burst into tears...He loves to sleep on me...he loves to be hugging....he become too pampered to me...
He refuse to be with his father..He make me miss him so much when Im going to work...

I miss u Emir Ukasyah...owh..his father as well...hahaha

Friday, 4 November 2011

Imam Muda Emir...

Imam Muda Emir

Entry apakah ini???hahahahaha...
Semalam saya sampai je umah Emir dah tunggu depan pintu sambil pakai songkok...hahahaha

Ni la Imam Muda Emir Ukasyah Bin Mohd Zaki....
We Love U so Much dear...

Meriahnye Kejirananku .......

Kemeriahan Kejiranan

Ape cecite entry ni???cam meriah je??hehe...biasa je sbnnaye...
Anyway sebenarnya 1 Nov 2011 haritu 'baby sitter' Emir arrangekan 1 BBQ event...
BBQ Event ni ramai yang join....
Those yang Join :
1. Family Ody & Hawa (Baby sitter Emir)
2. Family Kak Sha & Abg Am
3. Family Kak Aida & Abg Rizal
4. Family Kak Ain & Abg Jo
5. Family Kok Deang & Ida
6. Our Family =)

Macam2 makanan malam tu...semua dibakar...hehe...antaranye...ikan,daging, ayam,udang & sotong (sotong paling terlaris dipasaran okeh)
Kami makan dengan meriah...kaum adam yang tukang membakar...hihi...cian mereka...kami tukang mentekedarah...cian incik hubby...lapo...makan sensorang...hihi..(tu la...sape soh x ajak mama and Emir)

Kite layan gambo ea???
Ayah makan sorang2...hehe

Ni la kaum2 yang bertungkus lumus...cian mereka

Ha...dak kocik ni paling happier skali

Balik umah bau sotong bakar rambut emir...haishh

Acik hawa...ha...yang dopan skali peace no war tu la pengasuh emir

Nampak behave sket mokcik2 ni

Ni juga makcik2..kak aida,mummy, kak ain
We are enjoying the meals that nite...yummyyyyyyyyyyyy


Weekend Yang Lalu =)

Last Saturday we are going to Jay Bee...with Mak Tok & Ayah Tok Emir...
Actually we bring them for 'Jalan2' just to have some fun...
So we go to Jusco Bukit Indah (Emir loves this places so much)..
Then we have a heavy breakfast at BBQ Chicken Restaurant...
I am so happy to see my both parents-in-law enjoying the meals and the momment we together...
(This is the first time for them window shopping at Jusco)
Emir??? Of course the most happier person in d world .hahaha (dont ask him...he must enjoying to stay here.)

Then after that we go to Mak Long's house and having 'A BIG LUNCH' there...owh...delicious and we really FULL...We going home at about 3pm...

See???Emir...dont spoilt the 'dating day' okeh



Almost everyday we going out for make my sweet dear happy...
Thats mean after dinner we will start the engine and go somewhere...
On Wednesday Nite...we just going out for buying Emir's Milk...(But sold out)
Then we drop by at 7 Evelen near our 'taman'..
Ayah suddenly meet his friend and have some chat...
Then I opened the window..
Emir then look his face at the side mirror then smile...then he keep smile and laugh again and again...
I wonder why he keep smile and laugh...then he look at mama and smile again...Then mama barula sedar
Oh sweet dear...Intelligent sungguh kamu


Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Mood Lintang Pukang..

Mood Lari Lintang Pukang

What happen to me today???
 Owh sebab Utama adalah xam perkhidmatan failed again...tak tau la nak cakap ape...bace sungguh2, jawab bukan main lagi penuh paper, tapi still failed..

Opismate saya punye history :
Die kate die amek xam 6 kali (Kira saya ok lagi la br 2 kali kn?huhu) Kali ke 5 die bengang gile sbb tak lulus2...Then he went to HQ and request to check his xam paper marking.Then HQ xmo bagi...tanpa alasan...then die pon pg la xam kali ke6...die cume jawab 1 soalan je sbb format die pasrah je la...

Pelik kan???kalo ikutkan 1 soalan hanya membawa markah (20%) yang selayaknya gagal bagi seorang PLV yang amek xam tersebut. Tapi macamana boleh lulus???

Rumours : 
Ada yang kate guna quota 60% Lulus dan 40% by hook or by crook kena gagal.. (Adil ke wei???)
Dan rumours tu 60% kebenarannya sbb one of my friends punye relatives adalah sebahagian dari bahagian peperiksaan itu.. (poor of me...I'm included in 40% yang terpaksa digagalkan tu)

Selalunya saya redha dgn apa yang saya dapat...pahit pun saya telan...tapi kes ni perasaan saya agak berbelah bagi...Hati macam disiat2...sebab die melibatkan org...Dah banyak kes macam tu...melibatkan perkara yang sama...(tlgla hati...bertabahlah kamu)

Sebab saya dah berusaha...dan buat yang terbaik..(Mungkin Allah belum izinkan kelulusan saya
Tu je cara saya nak melegakan hati saya...(sy sedih sebenanye)


Meh ah cite lain...bosan la cite xbest camtu...hmmm tapi saya nampak perubahan la dalam diri saya...saya lebih cepat bertenang sekarang... (Alhamdulillah) 

Let it be...ape yang penting sekarang tgh sibuk sbnnye...marking paper and masukkan markah...untuk carry mark student...
Tapi dah boring2 penat2...smpat lagi sy wat entry ni kan???
Meh ar Layan 3 lagu best ni...jom2
Lagu ni cam lagu budak2 eh???masih sesuai kot ng mama not a gurl not yet a woman kot...hahaha... I like it =)

Cinta Muka Buku - Najwa Latif

Kita berkenalan hanya dalam laman muka buku
Kau hantar pesan dan suruh aku terima kamu
ooh.. Hati ku rasa sesuatu..
Dan pabila kau kata kau mahu jumpa aku
Ku gelisah berdebar hati rasa tak menentu
oohh.. benarkah rasa itu..
Bagaimana harus bersua
Ku rasa gementar tapi bahagia
Perlukah kita cari peluang pertama
Walaupun kita tak pernah berjumpa
Banyak persoalan yang berada di minda
Banyak tanda tanya dan juga kata kerja
Otak kata jangan hati pula kata ya
Hidup tak menentu adakah ini cinta
Banyak soalan banyak juga jawapannya
Kata hati dan rasa tak dibiar saja
Setiap yang berlaku ada kebaikannya
Harus pejam mata dan cuba apa saja
Pabila kau renung tajam-tajam mata aku
Ku rasa sesuatu rasa yang ku tak tahu Oooo…
Ini cinta remajaku
Dan pabila kau katakan kau suka aku
Ku terdiam terkedu tak tahu mana nak tuju Oooo…
Itulah cinta yang satu, cinta di muka buku..
Bagaimana harus bersua
Ku rasa gementar tapi bahagia
Perlukah kita beri peluang pertama
Walaupun kita tak pernah berjumpa
Banyak persoalan yang berada di minda
Banyak tanda tanya dan juga kata cinta
Otak kata jangan hati pula kata ya
Hidup tak menentu adakah ini cinta
Banyak soalan banyak juga jawapannya
Kata hati dan rasa tak dibiar saja
Setiap yang berlaku ada kebaikannya
Harus pejam mata dan cuba apa saja
Pabila kau katakan kau suka aku
Ku terdiam terkedu tak tahu mana nak tuju Oooo
Itulah cinta yang satu
Cinta di muka buku

And layan lagi satu lagu gak ni...huhuhu....

 Lagu Pokok – Meet Uncle Hussain

Tersesat malu bertanya
Tak tahu tak tahu ke mana
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Ku terdiam

Menyusur di kaki lima
Terlihat bayang wajah kelmarin
Tersentuh hati bagai luruh

Tanya sama pokok apa sebab goyang
Jawab angin yang goncang
Terbang burung terbang
Patah sayap diduga
Seandainya rebah
Kau masih ada

Terlalu mahu dan mahu
Terlupa apa yang perlu
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Duduk terdiam

Tak mudah namun tak susah
Terserah atas pilihan
Tersentuh hati mula luruh

Ulang Chorus

Kau masih ada
Kau masih ada
Kau masih ada
Kau masih ada

Terlalu mahu dan mahu
Terlupa apa yang perlu
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Duduk terdiam

Tak mudah namun tak susah
Terserah atas pilihan
Tersentuh hati mula luruh
Tanya sama pokok


Kisah Dongeng – Stacy

Ku sedar ku tak seberapa
Jika dibanding mereka
Yang jauh lebih megah dari diri ini

Apa yang mampu ku berhias
Hanyalah hati yang ikhlas
Terpendam simpan untuk dia yang sudi
Mencintai aku dengan seadanya
Mencintai aku bukan kerana rupa
Dalam waktu sedu
Dalam waktu hiba
Ku harapkan dia rela
Mencintai aku dengan seadanya
Sanggup menerima insan tak sempurna
Atau mungkin cinta sebegitu hanya
Kisah dongeng saja
Belum pernah ku merasakan
Dipeluk dalam dakapan
Eratnya melindungi jiwa rapuh 
P/S :* Even sejak kelahiran Emir saya jarang update lagu...But kdg2 dgr tu sibuk nak cari lirik...hehehe

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Amarah yang Tidak mendatangkan apa2

Kenapa ada sifat amarah dalam diri??perlu ke sifat tu ada dalam hati kite??tapi Allah memang ada selitkan sedikit amarah dalam hati supaya kita ada variety perasaan dalam diri kite...
Tapi...macamana kita nak balancekan perasaan kite tu???boleh ke kite control api amarah dalam diri kita???
Ada sebahagiannya mmg sangat mengagumkan sebab boleh mengawal diri dari amarah (sy hampir berjaya mengawal diri sekarang
Dan ada seebahagiannya tak dapat mengawal kemarahan (kadang termaki,terpukul,ter dan ter ter ter)

Menurut pembacaan saya:

SIFAT marah yang datang daripada hati mempunyai kaitan dengan keimanan seseorang. Orang sabar dapat menahan kemarahan dalam saat genting dan sudah tentu mendapat ganjaran di sisi-Nya.
Daripada Abdullah bin Umar, Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud:
“Tiada hamba yang meneguk air lalu mendapat ganjaran lebih besar di sisi Allah daripada hamba yang meneguk air menahan kemarahan kerana Allah.” (Hadis riwayat Ibn Majah)
Sabda Rasulullah yang bermaksud:
“Bukankah orang gagah itu, orang kuat bertinju. Akan tetapi orang yang gagah adalah orang yang dapat mengawal diri ketika marah.” (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Marah boleh merenggangkan hubungan kekeluargaan, begitu juga hubungan persahabatan dan kejiranan kerana perasaan marah menyebabkan kita susah melihat kebaikan orang lain serta hilang sifat lemah-lembut.

Bagaimana Cara Mengatasi sifat amarah?

Di antara langkah-langkah yang perlu kita hadapi untuk menghilangkan marah ialah :
  1. Mula-mula kita perlu malu dengan Allah s. w. t akan segala tindak-tanduk kita. Allah memerhatikan segala perlakuan dan sikap biadab kita.
  2. Bila datang rasa hendak marah, ingatlah kita ini hanyalah manusia yang hina.
  3. Banyakkan berdiam diri dan berdoa kepada Allah agar Allah selamatkan kita daripada sifat marah.
  4. Hendaklah ingat kesan daripada sifat marah itu mungkin akan membawa kepada permusuhan dan pembalasan dendam dari orang yang anda marahi.
  5. Cuba bayangkan betapa buruknya rupa kita ketika kita sedang marah. Ianya lebih buruk daripada perlakuan seekor binatang jikalau anda didalam keadaan yang marah.
  6. Apabila datang marah, banyakkan baca Ta’awwuz ( A’uzubillahi minas Syaitanirrajim ) kerana marah itu datangnya daripada syaitan.
  7. Apabila marah sedang memuncak, ambil wudhu kerana wudhu dapat menenangkan api kemarahan yang sedang membara.
  8. Jikalau tidak boleh hilang marah dengan hal tersebut di atas, hendaklah tidur. Kerana ianya akan meredakan perasaan marah apabila bangkit daripada tidur.
  9. Tauhid kita perlu tepat. Setiap sesuatu itu datangnya dari Allah dan akan kembali kepada Allah. Kenapa kita perlu marah

 Harap2 saya,keluarga saya dan rakan2 saya dijauhi dari sifat itu...amin..

P/S*: kepada insan2 yang saya sayangi....Kalau kita bersalah, kita tidak suka orang memarahi kita. Maka begitulah orang lain yang melakukan kesilapan, juga tidak suka dimarahi. Tegurlah dengan lemah lembut dan kasih sayang. 

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