Thursday, 17 November 2011

Wedding Sana Sini Situ

Wedding Ceremony

Cite cam my wedding lak ek???hehehe
Anyway last week kami semua attending the wedding day for My-in Law sister's 2nd Son...His age almost same with us (me & hubby)
The bride name is RAE...hehehe..and the bridegroom is MAL..

The wedding is held at Bandar tAsek Permaisuri KL. The Nikah Day is on 11.11.2011...hmm nice number right???even 11.11.11 is on Friday, but since the nice number almost all the couple choose that day for their BIG DAY.

The next day is the wedding ceremony...My Emir keep sleeping during the ceremony...'on ayah's shoulder' ...hehehe

Layan gambar Okeh

Ni la pengantin lelaki...hemsem tau

Ni plak pengantin pompuan...ayu gittu

sama cantek sama padan

Perarakan...dengan paluan kompang

Parents from bride side

Adeh kecohnye pakcik makcik pengantin ni...

Ni juga makcik2 penyeri majlis...xde diorang x jadi majlis nih

Saya baru bangun...ngantuk la mama

Oh adengan terlampau...pakcik and nephew..erk..jeles I

Ni lagi lawak...posing maut x hengat


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