Monday, 14 November 2011

Budak somel macam kangaroo

Emir si Somel yang melekap kat mama

Ape cer ni???lamenye tak hupdated incik blog ni...nape yek???

1. Saya coti2 melisia (harusla  x dapat nak hupdate blog ni...busy with emir )
2. Saya Busy2 with si tomel
3. Incik BB takde dah...sume dah terminated
4. blom ade mood ar...huhu yeke???


Ape lak merapu ni???...sebenanye nak story mory pasal benda lain...tapi lain lak citenye...huhu
Emir sweet dearie sonny...dah berusia almost 9 month...

Last week he got a fever...vomitted and diarrhoea...pity of him...he crying and look so tired..
Luckily I'm on leave and my hubby as well. So we bring him to Colombia Asia Hospital to see the pediatrician..We met Dr. Razlina...(a very kind and soft spoken Doctor). She advices us to make sure Emir eat more vegetables...Emir maybe infected from viruses...Alhamdulillah..Emir's getting better now..
See..Kangaroo sleep

But what am I realized about Emir...He now extremely attached to me if I leave him just for a minutes...he will burst into tears...He loves to sleep on me...he loves to be hugging....he become too pampered to me...
He refuse to be with his father..He make me miss him so much when Im going to work...

I miss u Emir Ukasyah...owh..his father as well...hahaha


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