Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Syarat Untuk Pengesahan Jawatan......

Syarat Untuk Pengesahan Jawatan Kakitangan Kerajaan

Ada beberapa syarat bagi pengesahan jawatan kakitangan kerajaan bagi semua jawatan...bezanya adalah ada jawatan yang memerlukan peperiksaan dan ada jawatan yang tak juga...
Bagi penjawatan Pegawai Latihan Vokasional (J41) ada 3 syarat wajib iaitu :
1. Mengikuti kursus Induksi Umum
2.Mengikuti Kursus induksi Khusus
3. Lulus peperiksaan Skim perkhidmatan J41 

So after all this complete...bolehlah confirm dgn jayanya...

Im just complete 1 task out of 3...(Mengikuti Kursus Induksi Khusus)...tu pon baru je habis 21-23 Nov 2011 yang lalu
Induksi Umum belum pg lagi...Insya Allah next year I'll attend the Induction..
Last time masa nak Induction, I have to do my thyroid Cysts it posponed to the next session...
Service Scheme Exam???hmm failed for the 2nd could I???I am really dissappointed of it...But Ill try my best soon


Let me strory morry about my 'kursus induksi Khusus'...
which was be held at KSM putrajaya on 21-23 Nov 2011. The bad things i have to face for this training of course I have to leave my lovely hubby alone at home...(cutinye dibekukan)
And the best thing is..I met my BFF (PLV)during pemantapan last time...Oh its too heaven...
I am siiting at the first lane with mai & Faz, Shikin, Wana & Dila(my new crazy frenz) sitting at the 2nd lane. But we can still chat each other (see???how talkative we are) hehehe
hmm still cute..mommy to be...4 month preggy...still intend to transfer to JPK/CIAST/etc (she spend a lot   of money for travelling from Nilai to ILP pedas.Pity of her) to listen ...less talking ...and sweet smile...
Mai : 
Ahnaf Mommy...sweet, cute...stay at ILP Kuala Langat...still cannot recognize road     to make jokes...and love to teasing frenz...
Mikin : 
hmm sweet buddy...busy2...still single and to to listen as to go window shopping & to sleep...always sleepy...hahahahaha
My new frenz...Frenz to Mai & Mikin actually..but still can be my frenz.. (i dnt mind)...hehe...sweet...talkative...joker as well...
Dila : 
My new frenz as well..Also mai's to talk...sweet...mommy to be ...5mnth preggy...

Mai & Faz

Me, Mikin, Mai & Faz

Me & Si tomot mikin

Dila & Wana

P/S * : Frenz...thanks for the enjoyable momment =)


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