Tuesday, 7 August 2012

happy beday to me...

happy beday to me...

Happy birthday to me....yes...today is my birthday...It's on Ramadhan...Hopefully I'll be more strong faith and be more matured day by dah....

Today's birthday is quite different than before...Everybody not even remember my birthday...
hmmm even my mum...my hubby wish me just before I left home to work...
Nope...its ok...but deeply yes it's really...... pity of me...

But then I try to be OK...happy and not spoilt my day just because of that...friends and relatives still remember...or maybe just because of the birthday notification on FB....(I think so)

But I'm adult enough...yep...if may late father still alive...he will honestly proud on me...
I have a good career, good and lovely husband, sweet and cute son and I'm take his responsibility to take care of my mum...Always to make her happy...trying hard and harder....

Yes...I am actually sad...no long wishes from him....
please tears...don't even try to come out...

Ya Allah...Terima kasih kerana panjangkan umurku...Berikan suami terbaik untukku...anak yang comel untukku, ibu yang penyayang, mertua yang baik keluarga yang bahagia , kerjaya yang baik dan kebahagiaan didunia dan akhirat


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